Back to School Night

Back to School Night
8/21/2019, 5:00 PM 8:00 PM

5:00pm - 6:00pm: New Parents are encouraged to attend an orientation in the 900 Hall to learn about the school wide learning outcomes, how students are graded, and to learn about ECHO, our learning management system.

5:30pm - 6:20pm: If you can come early please join us for dinner as ASB will be hosting a BBQ on the quad. ASB will be selling hot dog, chips and a drink dinners for $4.00. In addition, there will be a School Site Council parent election at a table in the Quad. Please make sure you stop by the table and vote!

6:30pm - 8:00pm: Follow your student’s schedule to meet teachers for an informal Q & A. Check out the map on the back for details. If you forget your student's schedule, we will have them available at a table outside the Principal's office. NOTE: NHS teachers (including PE & 1st period Spanish 3) are not available on this night.

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